How to write a essay
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Confucius Curry and a Mountain Dew Essay -- Philosophy
As Americans, we scorn others dependent on their choice of garments. We are self important in view of how much cash we make or what we hold as an occupation. We bite with our mouths brimming with macaroni and revile when the soft drink machine is out of Pepsi. We could utilize a few habits, or possibly only a reintroduction. Confucius thought is built on thoughtfulness and appropriateness, just as holding the ethically temperate to be the perfect individual. This way of thinking exceedingly communicates an incentive in altruism, training, and the treatment of others, yet has concealed insinuations that would thump the petals off any blossom kid. In this reflection paper, I will fiddle with how fusing Confucius thought and practices would help in certain regions of American culture, however disregard the legitimacy of others. Cash Over Everything The meaning of the American Dream varies from individual to individual, yet can at last lead to a wide premise: With difficult work and commitment, one can make progress. Furthermore, with progress, comes satisfaction. We make progress toward joy. In this excursion, most come to comprehend that an advanced degree is the way to getting proficient, and information is significant in getting effective. Along these lines, heading off to college can prompt achievement, isn't that so? Not a troublesome idea to get a handle on. With the amazing paces of educational cost bills and the wane of occupation accessibility, it would appear the way to progress limits every day. Those with cash to take care of these costs aren't typically too stressed over their obligations, seeing as they could crush them like ants. In America, our training is exceptionally esteemed, however the estimation of instruction is extraordinarily excessively high. Confucius was not around for universities and specialized o rganizations, so the topic of his lessons did exclude di... ...ring 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zaltaâ (ed.), URL = . 3.) Dawson, Miles. Morals of Confucius. . consecrated, 10/2007. Web. 17 Apr 2012. . 4.) . Reasoning 312: Oriental Philosophy Main Concepts of Confucianism. Oriental Philosophy. N.p., 09/2000. Web. 17 Apr 2012. . 5.) Richey, Jefferey. Sex and Sexuality. Religion Library: Confucianism. Patheos, 2012. Web. 17 Apr 2012. . 6.) Fader, Hallie. The Chinese Legal Tradition. Rule of Law: The Story of Human Rights in World History. ORIAS, 07/2004. Web. April 17 2012. .
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Aquinas' Endless Time Theory integrated with Men in Black Essay
Aquinas' Endless Time Theory coordinated with Men dressed in Black - Essay Example This is a measurement with a few scales that helps the entire universe to fit into the marble of an outsider, inside a bigger universe. This is still inside a comparative outsider storage and measurement. The outsider storage is along these lines, a holder for the whole measurement and its entryway enters a shut measurement inside one of its own littler scopes. Essentially, the outsider storage is dimensionally supernatural correspondingly to Doctor whose tardis, with an inside which exists in a few unique measurements contrasted with the outside. In this manner, it can have various sizes outwardly and within (Stump and Padgett 163). As indicated by Aquinas, the example of the sky has once in a while been a source on inconsistency and miracle. In light of puzzles that person involvement with the course of their lives, answers to these inquiries are being looked for. The apparently unsubstantial mists coasting the path through vision of people are substantial weighed down with answers and privileged insights of the closure of the earth. These normally come in type of dreams to individuals and are possibly conveyed to them when they are set up to get the message. The incorporation comes in that, in Men dressed in Black, the most clear and noteworthy highlights of the universe isn't esteemed, however underestimated. Some of the time these highlights are completely overlooked as individuals approach their day by day business in the film. This makes 'truth' a significant topic in Men dressed in Black as individuals are constantly familiar with early things as it is where they live. As per Aquinas, these conspicuous highlights intensely contain certainties which are like any mysterious intelligence which requires astuteness for a superior comprehension. Over the ongoing past, a few researchers took a positive activity of tackling the old day’s logical issues and started upset. They found the procedures that educate nature's plan in every day lives regarding hu man’s creatures, for example, the state of a leaf, and the twisting of the smoke from a smokestack among others (Jackele?n 69). As per researchers, the procedure of world inside a world as appeared in Men in Black will probably go on for eternity. This is on the grounds that, in the course of the last 14 million years, there has been development and cooling of the universe which some of the time frames the systems, and this pattern is to proceed until the end of time. They contend that space, matter, and time are things which appeared a large number of years back and will in all probability keep on existing. Various researchers and rationalists have consistently portrayed these interceding occasions in their own name which later turned into their speculations of perpetual time. They portray these occasions which they contend that are liable for the structure of the globe seen today and that it happened quite a long while back. Is fascinating that, over the ongoing past, indiv iduals are being roused to clarify the expanding components which they keep on seeing as the universe keeps on advancing. As indicated by Aquinas, the rise of these speculations in only another method of clarifying the ongoing occurring and seeing reality with regards to existence. The clear ludicrousness about the interminable space will have no repercussions for Aquinas' contention that the perpetual time is foolish. This is on the grounds that, it is presently apparent that the foreordained and straightforward laws results to unfathomably complex impacts on existence. This intricacy of nature is coming about because of a few standards and comprehensive quality elements which are connecting (Stump and Padgett 163). In Men dressed in Black, the essential states of nature and
Free Capital Budgeting Economics Essay Example
Free Capital Budgeting Economics Essay Example Capital Budgeting Essay Sample Presentation An associations achievement is to a great extent an impression of the benefit earned to its investors or its proprietors. This incorporates distinctive administrative exercises that are associated with the arranging and managing the organizations money related assets. Money related administration is worried about the choices including the financing, profit and speculation. There are numerous targets or objectives that a firm endeavors. Expanding the market estimation of the firm to its investors and the proprietors is the most broadly acknowledged target for the proprietors. This wonder is named as investor riches expansion. The financing the executives incorporates the choice concerning the different wellsprings of cash, the portion of store and last yet not the least the circulation of assets to the different parts of an association. The eventual fate of an organization relies upon its capacity to produce more cash that involves an improved income and drawing in more ventures from the partners. Every one of the above said work is cultivated by the ethicalness of capital planning. In todays world, all the organizations search for any open door that will help duplicating the investors esteem. Capital administration guarantees that the firm accepts reasonable venture open doors that will yield positive outcomes and have great potential for return in future. Capital planning an outline Capital planning is a procedure that is utilized to determine whether an organizations speculations or the tasks embraced would be worth more to the business as for their cost point of view. The way toward distributing spending plan to any speculation opportunity or a venture is extremely urgent, as they can't be effortlessly turned around once they are actualized (Peterson and Fabozzi, 2002). It is basic for the directors to receive the sound capital planning procedure for future advantages, unnecessary to make reference to that this technique is useful to protect companys assets from any misfortune too. Assets are put resources into both long haul and transient resources. Capital planning essentially concerns the interest in any drawn out undertaking or an advantage. The benefit can be unmistakable and additionally impalpable thing. Unmistakable things incorporate property, setting up another production line or plant or any gear. Non unmistakable or impalpable things remembers venture for another innovation, forms through which a propelled programming and items are made, licenses, trademarks, different explores, structures, improvements and testing are additionally considered as an immaterial resource. Capital ventures can be separated from the repetitive use. The capital venture ventures are when all is said in done huge and their benefits or the income spreads over num erous years (Baker and English, 2011). The undertakings are a lot of seemingly perpetual also. The arrival on these speculations affects the future income to the organization. They are in this manner the unequivocal factor in regards to the future venture by the partners and the hazard related with the income. Firms should take up the undertaking that has a decent potential to improve the income and would have extraordinary effect on the business over a period. The capital planning forms plays a significant and a basic job in taking care of business the business and are identified with the organizations achievement or disappointment, to a degree. It quantifies the exhibition of the firm and constructs the norm and parameter to check and break down any speculation openings regarding the market (Baker and English, 2011). Organizations mean to upgrade the riches or try to expand the benefit of the proprietors and the partners. All together for this, the firm should take up every single imaginable venture that will increase the value of the organization. This entire procedure is cultivated by capital planning. It chooses the money related attractive quality of the venture (Garcia, 2009). It can likewise be portrayed as the procedure, which recognizes a positive venture with the negative one. Here the term positive and negative alludes to those undertakings that will be of most extreme enthusiasm to the partners and its proprietors. The undertaking, which has the ability to build the income to the organization, is of enormous enthusiasm to the proprietors and the partners. In the capital planning process, the objective of the investor is given the most extreme significance. Capital planning is the choice taken before designating assets to any venture The choice taken holds basic to the organization as the task will influence the income and the future venture by the partners. This is indispensable for the associations future, life span and notoriety in the market. In the capital planning, key preparing or vital arranging can be considered as the impression of the entire system and working of the firm (Garcia, 2009). The distinguishing proof of a sound proposed capital consumption and a speculation venture is of most extreme significance. The organization should ensure that all the potential speculation tasks and proposition are altogether and adequately considered and settled on. There ought to be no biasness while picking the undertaking, doesn't make a difference how much rewarding the venture shows up. The best of the venture undertaking ought to be chosen, tried and executed. The administration ought to be available to any thought or any proposal originating from outside or inside the firm. The activities are first contemplated and investigated by the examiners dependent on the directors mastery, experience and presumption. It is then disregarded to the administration for additional thought. The tasks are then dismissed or acknowledged dependent on the proposal and recommendations by the examiner. There are a few phases during the time spent capital planning Key arranging is the first and the principal step towards the capital planning process. The corporate objective is changed over into the ideal arrangements, vital bearings that indicate the strategic territories of business improvement towards accomplishing the objective. More or less, an organizations objective and point is embodied in the companys key arranging. The most significant part of the capital planning process is the age and picking the appropriate venture (Graham, Smart and Megginson, 2010). The venture ought to be pair with the companys objective, dreams and long haul plans. The speculation opportunity and the key arranging of an association go connected at the hip. There are again a few speculations, which are obligatory in nature like the wellbeing necessities, the wellbeing measures. Others are optional and are taken up as per the appropriate development openings, rivalry in the market, cost-cutting measures, etc. These kind of capital planning speaks to the vital arrangement of the firm and can be changed or adjusted according to the venture opportunity. In certain organizations, the innovative work unit distinguishes and makes new and alluring speculation openings (Peterson and Fabozzi, 2002). The administrations work is to pick the venture appropriate for the organization by screening and breaking down the statistical data points of the equivalent. The venture openings are exposed to broad monetary screenings and examination to find out on the off chance that it would merit taking the task and on the off chance that it can increase the value of the firm. This stage is named as the subjective investigation, venture examination or budgetary and monetary evaluation stage. This stage predicts the future income; the conceivable bottleneck related with the income, recommends a substitute arrangement if there should be an occurrence of any issue and gets ready assessments of the activities net present worth. It considers the determining strategies, the assessment techniques, hazard examination and other programming methods. The use of a specific kind of venture requires some understanding and information For instance resource extension ventures, universal speculations require a specific mastery to achieve and to practice it. The outcome from the task investigation stage directs and manages the undertaking choice or speculation choices. At the point when a task breezes through the quantitative assessment, it is additionally assessed concerning the subjective variables. The subjective variables can't be measured financially yet will have an impact generally excursion of venture consummation. For instance the whittling down rate and the fresh recruits, the impact of the administrations rules and approaches on the organizations, the human asset, the worker's organization, the utilization and the accessibility of the crude material, conceivable lawful issues with the brand name, effect of the venture or the speculation on the general public are a portion of the subjective variables. The administration needs to contemplate and foresee the cynicism of these variables on the undertaking and its future advantages. The administration chooses an appropriate answer for any negative identified with the task and proposes a potential answer for the equivalent. In this undertaking a consistent checking and study is required to guarantee that a restorative move is made, if fundamental. Assessment of the exhibition of the comparable activities from past are additionally taken into contemplated. Last advance is the post execution review which helps in the vital arranging and arrangement. For instance, the positives and the negatives of the past ventures result on the income can give appropriate structure and attempting to the present one (Peterson and Fabozzi, 2002). Capital planning is additionally useful in making promoting arrangements. The hour of finish, the speculation, the purpose behind endeavor such undertaking (social, prudent or monetary explanation) can be chalked out with the assistance of the capital planning process. The advertisers can determine if the organization needs to put more in the business power or in promoting. Capital planning is one of the essential components in business. One wrong choice can endanger the whole extend and can bring about squandering immense measure of cash, if the venture brings about an uneconomic demonstration. Procedures and strategies application and hypothesis In a firm where there I
Friday, August 21, 2020
Story of Esau and Jacob
Chapter by chapter list Introduction The Story Literary style and attributes of the section Exegetical Approach Modern Relevance Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The good book, which is the strict reference book for Christians, presents the start of their confidence and the introduction of the religion. From the book of beginning to disclosure, the holy book has everything to offer in the day by day life of Christians. There are numerous accounts and sonnets in the good book all concentrating on correspondence of the message of God and his will to the individuals (Comfort 23). Publicizing We will compose a custom research paper test on Story of Esau and Jacob explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Old Testament presents the early existence of man under God demonstrating how His (God) will was imparted legitimately and in a roundabout way through the prophets and others that He utilized. The New Testament then again is a record of the birthplace of Christianity as a religion and convention. It depends on the life of Jesus Christ as the child of God (Freedman 19). A Christian takes in different things from this book. Various understandings can be produced using a solitary book or part of the good book. It keeps on being the smash hit book on the planet with a generally fascinating method of conveying the expression of God. The good book is a reference book for all chapels. It is productive in the engendering of the word. In doing this, different styles of writing are applied including stories and verse. The book of scriptures has generally utilized the two styles in conveying the word. In the accompanying paper, an investigation of the story style is made on the book of Genesis 27 from section one to forty. It depicts the opposition between the children of Isaac, Esau and Jacob, demonstrating how Jacob captured Esau’s favoring. The Story The section utilizes a similar style of composing utilized in the whole book of Genesis, which is for the most part account. In the part, a continuation of the account of Jacob and Esau is made. These children of Isaac had before been depicted as being distinctive from numerous points of view. They contended in all everyday issues including their father’s love. The dad adored Esau for the meat he used to bring him, and needed to get his approval for being the senior of the two. The part starts with a meaning of their dad Isaac whose age is depicted as being progressed dependent on his visual impairment. Isaac is portrayed to have required his more seasoned child Esau to favor him since he had brief period to live. He advises Esau to go out to chase for the best game to cook for him with the goal that he could favor him. The entire story is about the double dealing that occurred prompting Isaac’s demonstration of gift Esau rather than Jacob. Promoting Looking for examine paper on religion philosophy? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first pap er with 15% OFF Learn More Being the mother’s top choice, Jacob figured out how to cook while Esau took on the father’s calling of chasing and executing games for food. He was additionally acceptable at setting up the meat that he got from murdering the creatures. Isaac, his dad, cherished it as well. As Isaac advised Esau to set him up meat to be honored, his significant other Rebecca listened in the discussion and chose to reveal to Jacob who was her preferred child. The two thought of an ideal plot to beguile Isaac into believing that Jacob was Esau with the goal that they could get the gift for themselves. From the start, Jacob was reluctant to taking his brother’s favoring by refering to the dread that the dad would realize that he was not Esau. In the principal pardon, Jacob asserts that the sibling was bushy in the hand and this would make Isaac realize that he is mimicking. Rebecca is sure that her arrangement will work. She persuades him to do as she sa ys. Jacob follows the sets of her mom. Being a decent cook, Rebecca arranged the food that Isaac loved most and offered it to Jacob to take it to him. She additionally enclosed him by the skin that remained so the hands and neck would be as unpleasant as those of his sibling Esau. Isaac at this point had a bombing sight. He just depended on contact and smell to separate between the children. To ensure that nothing turned out badly, Rebecca gave Jacob his brother’s best attire and ensured that they smelled precisely like him. While Esau was out chasing for wild game to get ready for his weak dad, Jacob accepted this open door to take the endowments from the dad. He took the meat and requested the gifts. From the outset, Isaac was reluctant to favor him in light of the fact that the voice was that of Jacob. He anyway utilized the strategies that Rebecca had anticipated to separate between the two children. On contacting his hands and neck, the goatskin wrapped on them guarantee d that they were as harsh as those of Esau. This anyway didn't completely persuade him. He chose to request a kiss with the goal that he could get his fragrance. Because of the ideal arrangement that had been set somewhere near Rebecca, the aroma was that of Esau. There was no obstruction to him getting the gifts. The gift included Jacob being better than his sibling by acquiring all the property. He was to thrive other than overcoming any foe who came his way by the blade. He would likewise be the pioneer of countries with the love of people the same. A gift would go to the individuals who might sanctify him, and therefore a revile to the individuals who reviled him. No sooner had the gift been articulated than Esau strolled in with the game he had gone chasing for his dad. Careless of the new development, he arranged it and took it to the dad who was amazed as well. There was no gift left for him. After demanding that he must be honored, the dad emphasized that the gift that Jacob had would at present serve. He anyway articulated that the burden that Jacob would in the long run put on him would come to drop at his own will. Publicizing We will compose a custom research paper test on Story of Esau and Jacob explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The rate caused outrage in Esau. This caused him to choose to murder Jacob after the dad had kicked the bucket. With this information, Rebecca chose to caution Jacob by encouraging him to escape to Laban who was her sibling. She was to have him back when the annoyance in Esau died down with an end goal to get away from death. The later stanzas portray the escaping of Jacob to the remote land where he would wed from the group of Laban. Scholarly style and qualities of the entry In perusing the good book, there are different highlights about the language and abstract abilities utilized in it (Free and Stuart 34). Different writers have recommended on the best way to deal with book of scriptures perusing. The greater part of them are for the supposition that it ought not be perused simply like some other book (Freedman 17). Be that as it may, the book uses the methods utilized in different show-stoppers, which is obvious in the numerous accounts and poetical compositions in it. In the Old Testament, the prevailing style is, where there is an individual recounting to the story from his/her perspective as went down through different ages (Roncace and Gray 43). In this specific section, a similar methodology is followed with a storyteller, who isn't in the story, telling it on the observer’s perspective. A concentration into the lavishness of language and abstract achievement follows in which the author utilizes his mastery to interest the peruser. The section utilizes an assortment of abstract styles to convey the message to Christians and perusers of the book of scriptures. It follows the account style of composing with direct language use in the vast majority of the story. Th e storyteller utilizes the style in for all intents and purposes the entire section where the discussion between the relatives is immediate. There is likewise a graceful style inside the section where the dad is articulating favors to the child. In the two occasions, verse is utilized to convey the substance of the favors. In the sonnets, the language utilized is wonderful with the specific implications given in an unmistakable way. Various styles of writing are utilized in the entry concerning the principles of writing. There are employments of illustrations and adages in the section, which contribute towards the lucidity of the message being imparted. Isaac looks at the smell of his child to that of the field, and uses the sky and fields to speak to the wealth of the world. This is an ideal method of speaking to this case, as perusers have a simple time perusing the content. The language use is clear with the primary aim of the content being conveyed in a characterized manner. Ana lytical Approach The section can be deciphered in various manners as per the expectations of the peruser. In the entry, the dad can be thought of as the position and Supreme Being whose gifts are equivalent to those of God. They can likewise be deciphered just like the desire of God on the individuals. Publicizing Searching for inquire about paper on religion religious philosophy? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More There are various ways that individuals can use to accomplish God’s gifts or potentially impact his will over their lives. In the entry, the diligence and tolerance of Jacob was insufficient to gain him his father’s gifts. He chose to utilize the opportunity given by the mother. This exhibits how people can utilize unsatisfactory methods of accomplishing their objectives by choosing to conflict with God’s will over their lives (Kruschwitz 32). They utilize the briefest course to make it throughout everyday life. By Jacob noticing to his mother’s plans, he was deciding to oblige the plans of the insidious one. This exhibits how controls above individuals are utilized to cause them to do things they would somehow or another not have done by unrestrained choice. The mother in the entry can be contrasted with abhorrent forces used to proliferate the thoughts of the malicious one. In a significant number of the entries in the book of scriptures, there is rivalr y between powers of malicious and great. In those cases, the individuals who follow the desire of God are des
Case study American Apparel’s Unwrapping Ethics free essay sample
The moral quandary inside American Apparel is great model showing that perceiving a moral issue is never a simple thing. It has become a fruitful dress and design organization for quite a long time of years and it was notable for its request of item quality which are highlighted as entire natural and â€Å"made in US†Meanwhile, American Apparel was respected for its consistent investigation for the ideal social fighting for its workers as far as work, remuneration, clinical consideration and employer stability and so forth. Be that as it may, unexpectedly American Apparel was more than once occupied with unscrupulous sexual issues, for example, banner sex bid and office lewd behavior claim. There are overpowering gripes from the open that America Apparel is passing on numerous sexual recommendations through their promoting and publicizing instruments including yet not restricted to those indoor and outside post of exposed models and sex clue mottos and web-based social networking also. There are a lot of concerns and sounds from the youngster guardians that these progressive promotions and advertisements will wrongly lead their kids to an unwanted that more youthful are powerless against those explicitly significant insights. We will compose a custom article test on Contextual investigation: American Apparel’s Unwrapping Ethics or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page They are awesome to see that American Apparel is showing their young ladies the style drifts yet are broadly stressed over their future. Additionally, CEO Dov Charney has aggravated incredibly case of how a venture can cast dubious moral development at the at some point. He has been sued for a few instances of lewd behavior and unseemly foul language among his female representatives and models inside. The fascinating part for me is that despite the fact that he was attempted to control and danger his female group and models from outside by saving their naked pictures for making unfriendly workplace and other dull purposes, all the cases are ended outside of court. Obligations are going to compensation at long last. American Apparel is experienced harm or brand picture and beverages harsh of gigantic obligation on the edge. From my viewpoint, the design need and enthusiastic of quest for magnificence that American Apparel has implemented to its principle client fragments which are generally youngsters in their mid twenties could be a concealed impetus for accomplishing something fiercely. The contention that the brand procedure spoke to by the CEO Charney has given for clarifying their commercial battles which is to abuse the sexual freedom for ladies has potentially gotten a trigger of adolescent violations. Albeit American Apparel has sharp awareness and bleeding edge pattern advancement methodology, it is unquestionably useless to forfeit its social duty and to demolish our open generosity with the tempting recommendations in the business battle are socially flippant for mass and for entire society went up against with its qualities of empowering and engaging for sex rashness.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Single Parent Families Research Paper - Free Essay Example
Structural characteristics in American families today are divergent as of to those characteristics quondam. Earlier in history, the average norm was to be a nuclear family. A Nuclear family implicated that the father worked while the mother stayed at home to care for the house and for their children. Nuclear Families are in contrast compared to a single parent family, in which, singular parent families consist of a single parent who parents alone/ in their own living arrangement. In reference to the u.s Bureau of the Census (1985), 25.7% of all families were headed by one parent and continues to double. While single parent families embody the significant form of families today, very little knowledge is understood about them. Majority of past research was focused on the effects of children in single mother homes in which they were affected by the father. In an article called Demographic, Theoretical and legal themes, by Norton and Glick, they concluded that single parent families hold a detriment position in society corresponding to other family groups. Considering that the other family groups are characterized by a high rate of minority representation, mobility, low education and poverty, it was found in the article by hill outlines that the key fundamental difference between two parent and single parent families is that the latter lacks the expected positions of normality in the family. When focused on the influence of the combination of job and home life accountabilities, studies show that single parents were at a overwhelmingly high risk of role strain and reduced amounts of physical and emotional wellness. Many of single parent families tend to be unemployed rather than employed. Although it was found that employed single parent families have the least amount of time on household and personal care work, studies show that single and married families(employed and unemployed), both have parallelly low times for recreational activities. There seems to be a common clinical problem, that you hardly find in two-parent families, which often occurs in single parent families, known as Parent Becomes Peer. This often involves the parent to become abdicated from their parental role in order to treat their child as a friend/peer. The Parent Becomes Peer phantasm results in a dysfunctional parent/child amalgamation (relationship) which requires intervention therapeutically. In the topic article Never married teenage mothers and their children by Campbell Breitmayer and Ramey, the reports of free educational day-care to disadvantaged mothers are presented. The researchers found that by providing free educational day care for their children at an early stage of life, increased the likelihood of completion of High School, self-support and post-secondary training. It was a bridge created to show the difference of accomplishments and non accomplishments for teenage single mothers. Furthermore, the study of disabled children of single and married parents by Schilling, Kirkham and Schinke, debated the measures of headed stress roles, life satisfaction and the perception of the child. A team of Guidabaldi, Cleminshaw, Perry, Nastasi and lightel reported a study on the connection between post-divorce adjustment of elementary school children and chosen home environmental conditions, to be unique. They found that the examination illustrates that children from divorced families perform more poorly than children of two parent families, academically, socially and physically in health measures. However, single parent families may have more emotional responsibility pertaining to the amount of engagement of connection towards the head household parent. Connections of which are traditional and family relations that can be strongly bonded over. In overall being involved in a single parent family is one of the hardest positions to be in. the ability to have a consolidated family is just one of the central staples within society.
Monday, June 8, 2020
10 Apps to Keep Students Learning this Summer
Fight Learning Loss This Summer With Fun, Educational Apps The â€Å"summer slump†is real, and as Founder and CEO Dr. Katherine Cohen highlighted on the TODAY Show this morning, students can lose up to two months of math and reading achievement during summer break. So how do parents and students fight â€Å"summer brain drain?†We encourage students to remain productive over the summer without slogging through textbooks and study guides like you would during the school year. If that sounds too good to be true don’t worryâ€â€there’s an app for that! Here are some great apps to keep students of all ages learning throughout their summer break. WWF Together (Free) WWF Together is an Apple Design Award-winning app that allows users to experience beautiful, endangered animals from their iPads. The app is composed of interactive stories, animal origami, a 3-D interactive globe, and conservation news. Math Ninja (Free) This fun game requires students to defend their tree house by quickly solving simple math problems. The higher the levels, the more challenging the math problems! Elevate – Brain Training (Free) Beautifully designed and scientifically based, Elevate is the hot new brain training app giving users daily challenges to exercise their brains. Not only will students enjoy the challenges, they’ll improve comprehension skills. Duolingo (Free) Have you ever vowed to learn another language before getting so discouraged by basic grammar rules that you gave up on your dream? Duolingo is the super user-friendly answer to all of your wannabe-polyglot dilemmas. Offering courses in Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese (with many other languages still in development!), Duolingo’s cutesy graphics and videogame utility are scientifically proven to get you to language proficiency faster than a college classroom. Art Authority ($4.99) Art Authority is an amazing app that allows users to view thousands of world-class paintings and sculptures. The app features high-resolution image rendering and descriptive captions. No doubt about it, this is the ultimate app for art history enthusiastsâ€â€its services have even been employed by the art history department of Seton Hill University! TED (Free) TED Talks are fabulousâ€â€if you’re unfamiliar with them, just know that they’re brief talks led by the world’s best and brightest education leaders, doctor, businesspeople, musicians, and more. The TED app not only gives users access to thousands of TED Talks, it also lets users create playlists that can be shared with friends and family. Spread the knowledge! Cell and Cell Structure ($2.99) Science enthusiasts will be happy to download the Cell ad Cell Structure app, which takes users on a journey through the basics of cell structure with the help of beautiful 2-D and 3-D graphics. The app itself has three modes: All About Cells, Interactive Activities, and Videos. The quizzes, models, and flashcards provided by Cell and Cell Structure are so effective that Apple has listed it among other â€Å"New and Noteworthy†apps. Khan Academy (Free) Salman Khan’s been all over the news for years now, and his short, educational videos on everything from differential equations to American history have saved thousands of students from poor test performance. You’ve probably watched Sal’s videos on YouTube, but did you know that the Khan Academy app is the best way to access all 4,200 Sal Khan videos? The app allows users to download some classic Khan wisdom or view the videos with subtitles (so you can learn without having to plug in those headphones!) DragonBox Algebra 12+ ($9.99) Tired of cramming for the math section of the SAT? DragonBox is an adorably animated game app that transforms learning algebra into a fun game. Brush up on your basic algebra skills by completing puzzles developed by Jean-Baptiste Huynh, a math teacher, and Dr. Patrick Marchal, a cognitive scientist. Learn from a team who believes that â€Å"learning is not only about rules. It is about discovering what works, and what doesn’t.†Quizzitive – A Merriam-Webster Word Game (Free) Brush up on your vocabulary this summer with Quizzitive. Quizzitive is free and provides players with ten difficulty levels. Once you master each of the games found within the levels, you can compare your scores with those of other players. Let the competition begin! Learning doesn’t always have to involve a classroom setting or note memorization. Sometimes, acquiring new knowledge by playing a game actually helps the brain process information more effectively. Give these apps a try this summerâ€â€they’re so fun you won’t even realize you’re learning! Don’t forget to watch Dr. Kat on the TODAY Show discussing other ways students can stay engaged and learning while outside of the classroom!
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